
評分4.5(7,850)DeathRoadtoCanadaisaRandomlyGeneratedRoadTripSimulator.Youcontrolandmanageacarfullofjerksastheyexplorecities,recruitweirdpeople,argue ...,供應中評分4.5(7,847)系統需求·作業系統*:Windows7,XP,Vista,8,andnewer·處理器:1.3ghz·記憶體:128MB記憶體·顯示卡:MinimumSupportedTextureSize2048x2048·儲存空間 ...,DeathRoadtoCanadaisaRandomlyGeneratedRoadTripAction-RPG.Youhavetomanageacarfullofjerks...

Death Road to Canada on Steam

評分 4.5 (7,850) Death Road to Canada is a Randomly Generated Road Trip Simulator. You control and manage a car full of jerks as they explore cities, recruit weird people, argue ...

在Steam 購買Death Road to Canada 即可省下75%

供應中 評分 4.5 (7,847) 系統需求 · 作業系統*: Windows 7, XP, Vista, 8, and newer · 處理器: 1.3 ghz · 記憶體: 128 MB 記憶體 · 顯示卡: Minimum Supported Texture Size 2048x2048 · 儲存空間 ...

Death Road to Canada

Death Road to Canada is a Randomly Generated Road Trip Action-RPG. You have to manage a car full of jerks as they explore cities, find weird people, ...

Death Road to Canada

評分 4.2 (5,317) Death Road to Canada is a Randomly Generated Road Trip Action-RPG. You manage a group of jerks as they explore cities, find weird people, and face up to 500 ...

【試玩】生存遊戲《Death Road to Canada》介紹最後一片樂土據說 ...

由Rocketcat Games 開發的《Death Road to Canada》是一款主打隨機生成要素的公路求生動作RPG,玩家要帶領整個團隊一邊躲避殭屍、一邊收集物資,並朝著 ...

Death Road to Canada

Set during a zombie apocalypse, the player attempts to guide a group of survivors from Florida to the last zombie-free nation of Canada. ... The game released ...

購買Death Road to Canada

供應中 Death Road to Canada. UKIYO Publishing•動作與冒險. NT$440.00. 購買. NT$440.00. 新增至願望清單. ○ ○ ○. 適合15 歲(含) 以上. 輔導級15 歲.

Death Road to Canada for Nintendo Switch

供應中 Features: • Up to 500 zombies can hunt you down at a time. Fight them, squirm past, or run. • Use the character creator to put yourself, friends, and family in ...